In a recent Instagram post, renowned Nollywood actor, Chidi Mokeme has asked fans for privacy as he and Chioma Akpotha “come out of the closet”. He added that he loves and adores his colleague, and so, there is an explanation to make.
“PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT” he began, “@chiomakpotha and I have decided to come out of the closet.
I have no explanations to make, but I just can’t help the way I love and adore her❤
We ask that you please respect our privacy at this time.”
However, reading further into Mokeme’s post, it is an obvious ploy to introduce their new project No Way Through to the public.
“All we need is your support.
To understand our journey and how we got here, we have chronicled our story in “NO WAY THROUGH” now streaming exclusively on @primevideonaija @primevideo.”
In the video which he posted, the Shanty Town star added:
“Hello friends and family, I have an important announcement to bring to you. I don’t think I can keep it a secret anymore. A pregnancy cannot be kept hidden for so long. So for some time now, Chioma and I have had something going and we have kept it away from you guys until we are ready to bring it to you. We have found favor in each other’s eyes and as such we think that we have a lot in common and we have decided to share our time together and now we bring you the good news of a union that has been made from heaven. This good news of a calling by God, after all, can two work together except they agreed”.